Thursday, December 23, 2010

Baby number WHAT?

I have to say that being pregnant with baby number four, you get so many more unwanted comments.  No, I don't mean other people's horror stories.  I mean just rude comments about your sanity.  And yes, I know that I am probably a bit more sensitive to people remarks since I'm pregnant, but really?  Does every person I encounter NEED to ponder my sanity to my face?  I'm just going to quickly clear a couple things up here.

First of all, No.  We were not trying for a fourth.  We had considered it.  Believe it or not, I ovulated twice in the cycle that I got pregnant in.  Yeah, I didn't even know that was possible.  But something about weaning from nursing had something to do with it.  I figured it took three years between Ava Rose and Adelaide.  If it was going to happen, it would happen much later down the road.

Second, I am not out to be my mother.  When you come from a family of six kids, people assume that you are trying to recreate your family.  If that's the logic people are working with to justify MY pregnancy, how do you explain that my husband came from a small family of only two kids?  Just a thought.

And last, we aren't determined to have a boy.  Yes, we have three girls, but we like girls.  If you are going to do something do that and do it well.  I have an amazing husband that can put an outfit matching socks or tights, shoes and bloomers together.  He knows the importance of a bow and can even do hair!  We know what goes into potty training girls.  We can handle the drama.  We deal with attitude.  We get little girls.  Now, that's not to say that if God blesses us with a boy that we wouldn't be thrilled.  We would be, just scared out of our minds.

Now, we are really excited about having a fourth child.  We like the idea of an even number.  Having two younger sisters close in age to me, I know that drama of three.  Someone is always left out.  I also love that Lexie and Ava Rose are so close.  They really are best friends.  I want Adelaide to have that.  These two will be super close in age (21 months apart) and I am so excited to watch their friendship grow.

And, yes.  I am terrified.  I have moments of being unsure how to do it all.  Where will a fourth baby go?  How will we afford four?  How do I work all of these car seats (I have my nephew every day) in my van?  How will I homeschool 2 and entertain the other 3?  Because daily, I will have 5 kids every day.  How will Adelaide, my most needy baby, react to a new baby?  Will she think it's replacing her?

I have the same thoughts as everyone else.  I just don't know that it's necessary for YOU to state your queries to me.  It's really not your business.  We are having a fourth child.  All that we ask at this point is for you to support us.  You can think we are crazy.  But don't say it to me.


  1. Well said... and if you haven't heard yet - crazy IS the new normal!

  2. you are not the first, or the only blogger that I follow who has more children -- one has five, all girls (and I admire and respect them, not question their sanity)

  3. people LOVE to express their oppinions. I have already been asked when is our 4th or whatever- I just had a baby 12 weeks ago! Best of luck to you guys!

  4. I don't think you are crazy, I think you are incredibly blessed and God would not give you more children if you couldn't handle it or weren't amazing parents. Wear it as a badge of honor. Your mom said you were having a boy CONGRATS how exciting! I felt the same as you after having two girls but there is something so special and different about a boys love for his momma.
